Er vindkrafta «grøn»? Innspel til EUs «taksonomi»
18.12.2020 sendte Naturvernforbundet i Trøndelag høyringsinnspel til EUs forslag til «taksonomi». Det vil seia vilkår for når ein kan kalle ein aktivitet for «grøn». Dersom vindkrafta i norsk natur ikkje får stempelen «grøn», så blir krafta vanskelegare å selje, og prisen går ned. Då blir det ikkje like interessant å investere i slik naturøydeleggjande vindkraft.

We are grateful for the opportunity to submit comments on this draft, and we limit this letter to comments on electricity generation from wind power.
In our part of Norway there has been installed a significant number of large wind turbine installations in pristine nature areas during the last years, especially along the coastline, where the Sea Eagle and other birds are killed in significant numbers. The red-listed Eagle Owl (the world’s largest owl) has lost nesting areas, and the future of Sami reindeer herding in this area is threatened.
Due to these and other significant negative impacts on nature and climate, we believe that most of these wind energy installations should not be classified as “green” in the EU taxonomy.
Magne Vågsland og Mads Løkeland-Stai
Naturvernforbundet i Trøndelag