Discover nature

In Norway, it is safe and free to be out in nature. It’s a great way to get to know the area you live in, and it’s good for your health to be outdoors.

To read more about nature and health, click here

How to get outdoors

  • Start small! You don’t have to go for a long walk or buy expensive equipment. You can go for a little walk in the woods where you live, or maybe take a walk along the river or beach if there are some nearby. Maybe you can take your family to a lake and swim?
  • Gradually you can go for longer walks if you feel like it. Then it’s a good idea to have sneakers or hiking shoes, and a backpack with some food and drink. Bring an extra sweater, and a jacket if it’s rainy or windy.
  • It is safe to walk in Norwegian nature. The few large predators are very rare and they stay far away from humans. There is one poisonous snake, the viper, but it is quite rare and only bites if you step on it or touch it. There are some plants that are poisonous to eat, but as long as you don’t eat them or bother the animals, it is not dangerous to be out in Norway.
  • Where should you go? If you live in one of the big cities, you can click here to see Naturvernforbundet’s urban hiking tips! You can also use, where there are also many ideas for walks.
  • You are allowed to walk anywhere in nature in Norway, for free. It’s called the public right (allemannsretten). We have the right to be in nature, but we must also take care, and not throw garbage or disturb the wildlife. It is an important part of the culture in Norway. To read more about public law in many languages, click here.
  • Do you want to sleep outside? You can sleep overnight wherever you want in nature in Norway, but you must be more than 150 meters from the nearest house.

Natuvernforbundet is happy to help you experience the outdoors! We can give you tips and ideas, and we arrange guided walks in many areas. Click here to find your local group

More information:

Going for a walk: An introduction to Norway’s walking culture

Diversity in the outdoors

Den Norske Turistforening (DNT) in English

Organised trips with DNT